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    National Fenghuanggu Bird Park

    National Fenghuanggu Bird Park
    • LocationLugu Township, Nantou County
    • Distance 12.2 Km
    • Driving time 21 Minute鐘
    The National Fenghuanggu Bird Park is 30 hectares in size. It is an uncultivated forest area and the first bird park to have been sponsored by the government. The Park is expansive and serves hundreds of precious and exotic birds from around the world. There is a natural bird-watching area. Different parts of the Park are connected by a walking trail and stone stairs. The whole trail is about 2 km long. It is the biggest bird park in Southeast Asia.

    The Park preserves the original ecosystem, allowing guests to observe bird natural behaviors. The Park’s aim is to raise awareness of wild bird protection and ecological conservation, while making this mountain valley area a classroom for learning about nature.


    Inside the bird park, you can see birds flying, foraging, and building nests. The vegetation grows freely and alters its colors and forms as the seasons change. The ingenious liveliness of nature manifests itself completely here. All of these dynamic and still scenes declare nature’s harmonious mystery. A trip here guarantees a sensuous and intellectual experience.
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