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    B3 Mountain Spring Sauna

    Mountain Spring Sauna
    After several cycles of heat and cold treatment, your tense muscles are relaxed and tiredness is washed away; enhanced blood circulation makes you radiant and energetic, and all the stress accumulated in the body will be relieved.

    - Preferential prices offered to guests according to on-site rates.
    -  For non-guests: NT$1000 / person.

    Opening hours
    - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday:08:00 - 22:30 | Tuesday: 15:00 - 22:30.
    - Last entry:22:00.

    Facilities Regulations
    1. Gender separate pools, with free towels and locker keys provided.
    2. Entry not allowed for children aged 14 or less.
    Booking Shopping Map Tel Shopping Top
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