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    Romantic candle light feast

    B2 Romantic candle light feast

    Business Hours
    17:00 - 20:00
    This is a romantic, aesthetic and comfortable environment, surrounded by candlelight and an elegant atmosphere, with exclusive VIP dining space and personal service.

    Carefully arranged romantic flowers and silks, exquisitely decorated fragrance candles and petals, with special exclusive meals made by the chef, and top luxury selected main meals.
    The royal feast of the ancient palace, suitable for gatherings, celebrations, marriage proposals; the honorable and exclusive services are waiting for you to experience.
    • Choice Western appetizers & one of the three special main courses carefully selected by the chef.
    • Champs seafood appetizers & one of the three homemade palace main courses.

    - To renew your drink, the price you pay shall be according to the on-site selling price.
    - Champs Seafood (including selected red/white wine or champagne, one serving per person).
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